Delicious white sauce pasta recipes for kids!
Are you tired of eating red sauce pasta? Do you want to try something delicious, tasty, and easy to make? Then I think this white sauce pasta recipes is perfect for having some evening snacks. The cooking process is very easy, and it takes 20 to 30 minutes for overall preparation.
Though there are many recipes to make white sauce pasta, it is on you that which one you want to follow. You can get white sauce prepared from the market, but the freshness of preparing white sauce at home and then using it in Pasta will make it more delicious.
For kids, Pasta is a tempting dish just like microwave frozen pizza that they like to eat anytime. Earlier red sauce pasta was very famous until the white sauce was not globally introduced. But from the last decade, people are trying new dishes, and one of the innovative dishes is white sauce pasta. So here are the easy Italian pasta recipes of the same.
Ingredients required for white sauce pasta recipes:
- Half cup Pasta
- Half teaspoon salt
- 4 to 5 cups of water
- 1 teaspoon oil
- 2 No. Chopped carrot and broccoli
- 2 No. Chopped red and green capsicum
- Salt as per your taste
- 2 tablespoon butter
- Half tsp finely chopped garlic
- Half cup refined flour
- Half cup milk
- Oregano for seasoning
- Black Pepper crushed a pinch
Boiling pasta in 10 minutes:
- Please take a deep saucepan and put 5 cups of water in it. Please keep it on a medium flame and let water starts boiling.
- After the first boil, add Pasta, a pinch of salt, and 1/2 tsp oil.
- Pasta will take around 10 to 12 minutes to boil completely till the stage of al-dente.
- Al-dente is a stage when the food is cooked up to 70%. It is because we have to cook Pasta one more time with vegetables.
- Now take a colander and strain the Pasta and let it cool.
Cook the veggies:
Take a pan, put some oil, and add chopped vegetables in it. Once they are medium cooked, transfer them to a bowl.
Preparation of the white sauce pasta recipes:
- In the same pan, add half cup butter and half teaspoon chopped garlic. Sauté them together and add half a cup of refined flour.
- While adding refined flour, stir the mixture continuously with the help of a whisker.
- Now add a half cup of milk while stirring continuously and cook it for 1 to 2 minutes.
- After that wait a few minutes, check the sauce’s consistency and add oregano, Chili flakes, and A Pinch of black pepper as per your taste.
Finally, mix everything:
- In the end, take another pan put some oil, add vegetables, and add the white sauce. Mix them and at last add pasta.
- Cook for a minute, set the seizing, and serve the portion.
Keep these things in mind:
- Try to serve white sauce pasta hot at the plate because white sauce starts getting thickened as it cools down.
- If you like cheese, then you can add 2 to 3 tablespoons of cheddar cheese or Mozzarella cheese at the last step.
- There is no compulsion in adding only these vegetables as you can add the veggies that you like. You can add French beans, onion, mushroom, and many more.
- If you want to use white sauce after some time, then add 1/3 cup of milk to make the sauce thinner inconsistency again. Heat it a little on medium flame before using.
- You can make Pasta in large quantities by increase the white sauce pasta recipes mentioned above.
Therefore above-mentioned is a simple recipe to prepare white sauce pasta at home. Above all, it is not very difficult to prepare this at home if you have basic knowledge of cutting and handling flame. However, The most important part of these white sauce pasta recipes is making a white sauce and mixing butter and refined flour. The whisking process, while adding butter and refined flour, followed by milk, has to be carefully done.
However, try to avoid any lumps that could be in the mixture if you are not whisking it properly. So follow the steps carefully, make a delicious dish for your family, and enjoy a cup of drink. Read more about the al-dente stage as it is a fascinating topic.